Digital has rapidly transformed into a cornerstone of all industries and is strongly reshaping also more traditional sectors. In the recent years, Financial sector has especially undertaken a steep trajectory of change, requiring more specialized and updated competencies
Being able to tackle the challenges imposed by the digital transformation of the financial sector will pose the students in a high-demand job market, strengthened by the wide and relevant network of both Luxembourg School of Business and H-FARM
This innovative program is designed for people who understand the impact digitalization has on finance and businesses, and are willing to lead their future or current organization through crisis, leveraging innovation
This Master in Management - Specialization in Digital Business and Finance is an opportunity for ambitious students to obtain key competencies more and more requested by the job market. Students will be laying the foundation for their own business ideas, while experimenting with building innovative enterprises, or leading innovations within existing companies.
Management Consulting
Financial industry (Banks, Insurance companies)
Innovative Fintech companies / Startup
Finance department (various sectors)
Own Startup
All Master in Management – Specialization in Digital Business students spend the first year studying at LSB, focusing on the core Management courses, and the second year at H-FARM College specializing in Digital Business and Finance, the second term of the second year will be devoted to a 6-month Pre-Accelerator program or an internship within H-FARM network of partners.
The learning experience is enhanced by a network of high-level lecturers, and by the special support given to students, who are followed step by step in their studies thanks to the small size of the School and classes.
By bringing the brightest minds to the most important innovation hub in Europe, students will have a unique learning experience during which they will live, collaborate and interact with entrepreneurs and professionals with a mission to challenge the status quo.
Our classes offer an immersive and dynamic learning experience thanks to the support of cutting-edge technologies, courses that combine theory and practice and dedicated tutors. The aim of our courses is to train the innovators and professionals of the future, and to do so we have focused our multi-disciplinary courses around the skills most required by the world of work.
This Master in Management, focused on practice-based learning and employability, will prepare students not only for their first job but also for their future career by providing them with:
Thanks to H-FARM College partnership with prestigious universities, our faculty includes italian and international experts from both the academic and the business world.
H-FARM campus is an ecosystem where innovation, education and development meet. At H-FARM College students are part of an environment in which they are more than just classmates, they share experiences. Our students become the innovators of the future thanks to the support of environments built to their measure: flexible study rooms, libraries, sports fields and dormitories
The partnership between H-FARM College and Luxembourg School of Business connects Luxembourg and Italy even more closely through Higher Education, to continue to innovate H-FARM’s curriculum by offering a new program, and to open amazing career opportunities for students.
The Master in Management offers students the possibility to enhance their knowledge and skills, and to receive a degree from an accredited school in Luxembourg
The partnership will give students the opportunity to spend one year in Luxembourg, an international financial center, core for the Fintech industry.
*subject to a minimum number of registrants, for other specialization please consult the course website.
Contact us for any questions or additional information about our college or our offer